Don’t waste time building a team — Build a culture

Building a business is like a voyage to the sea, a deep, broad, unexpected horizons and sometimes full of danger and uncertainty. It’s not just the ship that should withstand the test of time and hardship but also the team that is sailing it.

Likewise building a business needs a crew that is united in mind, heart and spirit to create a culture that is powerful and impactful to achieve a shared goal.

According to The Culture Code by Daniel Coyle, there are 3 key elements that make a great team:

• Build safety — Create an environment where people feel safe and secure.

• Share vulnerability — When people are willing to take risks, it can drive cooperation and build trust.

• Establish purpose — The team should align around common goals and values, with a clear path forward.

Based on these three elements, here is my take on how to make an impact to the organizational culture that can set your business to success:

Group culture is a relationship builder

To achieve a common goal, an organization must maintain and strengthen relationships. It is important to value people for who they are, get to know them and develop a mutual commitment. The key to the success does not only depend on the skillsets available but also the level of interaction staff have with one another. Great communication is the most powerful tool when a team is working together to accomplish a goal.

Create a sense of belonging

Cultivate a sense of familiarity helps people stick together. Neuroscience expert Christine Comaford said, “Feelings of safety, belonging and mattering in employees can improve communication, collaboration and alignment, which ultimately boosts company revenue”. If every team member feels that they are involved in an organization that cares, this will give them a sense of meaning and win their support.

Cultivate a comfortable environment

A humble leader is aware of his/her own imperfection and is willing to listen, this makes his/her teammates feel valuable and that their help is really needed. Sharing is vital and admitting weaknesses will create cooperation with each other, build trusts and bring a sense of closeness in the organization.

Clear Role of the Leader

The leader defines the direction of his/her organization as they are the brain and engine of the company. Leaders are responsible to set clear priorities to guide the organization, they also motivate the team to strive for success. An effective culture is not afraid to repeat the process and strategies until they achieve the ultimate goal, but it takes a great leader to give the right dose encouragement and intelligence to keep things going. Although leaders are authority figures, they should also be humble enough to admit vulnerabilities and seek help from team members with different skillsets when needed.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery, the author of Le Petit Prince said “If you wish to build a ship, do not divide the men into teams and send them to the forest to cut wood. Instead, teach them to long for the vast and endless sea.” In other words, when you want to build a ship, do not begin by gathering wood, cutting boards, and distributing work, but awaken within the heart of man the desire for the vast and endless sea. Treat employees like they make a difference and they will. People come and go, but culture stay. By sharing a common goal, it connects the leadership team with everyone in the company. By building the right culture, employees feel like they are contributing to something larger than their long list of tasks, become enthusiastic about their work and eventually bring success for the company.


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